Timed assignments

Updated 19 Feb 2024

Once you start a timed assignment, its timer begins. You need to complete the assignment within its time limit on a computer, not on a smartphone or tablet.

  • Nothing stops the timer.
    Signing out, leaving the assignment, or even losing Internet connectivity do NOT stop the timer. A pop-up message may seem to stop the timer, but it does not. (After you dismiss the pop-up, the timer skips ahead as it catches up.)
  • Don’t open another assignment.
    You'll no longer be able to work on the timed assignment (and the timer changes to 0, "TIME'S UP!").
  • After the timer runs out:
    You can't work on the assignment for credit unless your instructor increases the time limit or allows you to rework the assignment for credit.
  • The due date and time take precedence over the time limit.
  • You usually can submit only one answer.
    This is because timed assignments are commonly used for quizzes or tests. To check the number of answer attempts allowed in an assignment, open the assignment’s grading policy.